About Us


     P.E.O is an international organization made up of hundreds of chapters.  The intent of P.E.O. is to support women's education.  This is accomplished through a number of international P.E.O. sponsored grants, loans, scholarships and financial support of Cottey College (a two and four year women only college in Missouri).  Each project reaches different women at various stages of their education.  All P.E.O. chapters raise funds to support these projects,  help to identify women who would benefit from inclusion/sponsor women for the various projects, and support educational opportunities for women in their local communities.  Chapter II is one of six P.E.O. chapters in Longmont, CO.  Chapter II sponsors the Gold Star Award program which presents funds to local high school senior women who are looking to further their education.  The Gold Star Award applications are available in January and those selected are presented their awards during the From Nest to Wings program in the spring.  Chapter II also offers the From Nest to Wings annual event.